Take a look at the journey of NYC’s recyclables through the Sims Sunset Park Materials Recovery Facility in Brooklyn.
Urban Green Council’s 2019 conference, Retrofitting to Scale, explored the transition implemented by Local Law 97.
Local Law 97 sets expectations high, setting strict carbon caps for buildings starting in 2024. What will make this happen?
Our 2019 conference looked at the challenges and opportunities that will come from retrofitting NYC’s buildings.
Despite New York’s strict rules on ventilation efficiency, little is known about the air quality inside buildings once people move in.
Introducing the Global Climate Efficiency Trading Initiative, a collaboration between building and energy stakeholders.
The UKGBC and Urban Green Council partner to discuss their approaches to retrofits and reducing building energy use.
In 2019, professionals explored how automation improves energy performance and tenant wellness.
Urban Green Council’s latest report tackles pressing questions about the state of steam heat systems in New York City.
This 2019 report takes a close look at how steam heat systems can be improved to save money and energy.
Resiliency was front and center at our 2018 conference.
There’s a threat to NYC’s climate planning: the loss of 2,000 megawatts of electricity from Indian Point Energy Center.
This report lays the framework for how to cut carbon in NYC’s large buildings and paved the way for Local Law 97.
The greenhouse gas reduction target on the Roadmap to 80×50 is daunting due to density, energy demand, and infrastructures.
Our 2018 report looks at the technologies the New York construction market can use today.