How will building managers safely adapt to changes in workers’ schedules and COVID comfort level?
How might carbon dioxide removal help cities like New York achieve their long-term emissions reduction goals?
Learn about Urban Green Council’s GPRO@Work program, and how to reduce energy use in your buildings!
See how PACE loans can help building owners finance energy efficiency and renewable energy projects.
Learn about the Sims Municipal Recycling program, and how they sort through thousands of tons of residential recycling every day.
Learn more about the energy used by NYC’s large buildings and whether they’re on track to meet the city’s climate goals.
What is carbon capture and utilization in the cement and concrete sectors?
Join us for a sneak peek of the second edition of Ian Shapiro’s Green Building Illustrated.
What is behind the great energy disconnect during the pandemic?
Projects that reuse internal heat can improve efficiency for heat pump systems, even in a cold climate like New York City.
After COVID-19, there are lessons we can learn about swiftly planning and implementing proper safety protocols.
Our 2020 conference asked: How can we pave the path for a cleaner power grid in New York City?
To achieve a low-carbon future, we’ll need to transition our buildings from burning fossil fuels to using electricity for heating and hot water.
Our 2019 conference looked at the challenges and opportunities that will come from retrofitting NYC’s buildings.