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Energy upgrades in historic buildings: Hotel Marcel

Published May 25, 2022

The fourth event in our Energy Upgrades in Historic Buildings series featured a case study of the hyper-sustainable Hotel Marcel in New Haven, CT.

Designed by Marcel Breuer, the iconic two-tiered brutalist building was originally commissioned by the Armstrong Rubber Company (later incorporated into tire manufacturer Pirelli) as its headquarters, with administrative and executive offices elevated over factory and testing facilities on the first two floors. 

On May 25, 2022, we were joined by an array experts who worked on the hotel. We heard from them about the ambitious plan for its all-electric, net-zero energy design and pending Passive House and LEED Platinum certifications. We hope you enjoy learning about this iconic building’s second life!


Bruce Redman Becker
President, Becker + Becker
Kate Doherty
Building Systems Analyst, Steven Winter Associates
Kai Starn
Senior Sustainability Consultant, Steven Winter Associates
John Askew
Principal, LN Consulting
Ian Donahue
Project Manager, LN Consulting
Aaron Krueger
Project Manager, Consigli Construction

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