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GPRO Fundamentals of Building Green

Learn how to see buildings differently and discover strategies to make them efficient, healthy and resilient.

  • December 6, 2023
  • 9:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Online/Webinar

Event Cost

  • Non Member & Member: $100

Continuing Education Credits


What is this training about?

In GPRO Fundamentals of Building Green, you’ll discover the connections between building systems and the foundational strategies for making them more sustainable. Whether you want to make changes to your building or are starting a career in the building industry, you’ll walk away with a new understanding of the built environment and the incredible difference that small changes can make.

What will you learn?

By the end of this training, you’ll be able to:

  • Explain the relationship between buildings and climate change
  • Understand the basic elements of high-performance construction and building operations
  • Describe the role of trades on high-performance job sites
  • Describe energy-consuming building systems and a high-level overview of the strategies to reduce building energy use

Who is this training for?

This training is ideal for anyone who needs a better understanding of high-performance building, including sales or administrative staff in real estate, construction, architecture or engineering, workforce development providers, facilities and operations staff, and college students interested in entering the building or construction industry.

How does this training work?

This class session will be held virtually over Zoom, by a highly knowledgeable instructor with industry experience.

Registration includes access to a course ebook, flashcards, practice exam, and the official GPRO exam. Students who pass the exam with an 80% or higher become a GPRO Certificate Holder.

If you are unable to attend your scheduled class date, sign up for a future class session at no additional cost by emailing gpro@urbangreencouncil.org. If you have any trouble registering for the event, let us know by filling out the form here.


Daniel Eida
Principal & Owner, DE Energy Consultants (DE)

DE is a New York City based environmental consulting firm that assists Building Owners to comply with LL97 and the New York City Energy Conservation Code (NYCECC). Daniel is an Environmental Engineer with experience in all types of NYC construction, from large-scale ground up commercial, to smaller scale institutional Museums and Libraries. He is a LEED Green Associate and is passionate about the transition to a renewable energy economy.