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2024 Service Awards

We’re proud to honor the hard work of our dedicated volunteers!

At our Spring Member Reception, we were proud to honor several individuals who have helped advance our mission to decarbonize buildings for healthy and resilient communities. This year, we awarded David Hutchinson, Michelle Edwards and Elliott Weinberg for their incredible work in developing a new mentorship program for young adults seeking careers in sustainable building.

Pathways to careers in sustainable building vary widely and can be difficult to navigate from the outside looking in, particularly for students from underserved communities. To address this challenge, David founded the Rising Stars Program, which connects underrepresented youth to training and opportunities in the sustainable building industry. His tireless efforts over the past four years have empowered cohorts of students to become the next generation of sustainable building leaders.

As Urban Green Council Committee members, Elliott and Michelle served as the first mentors in this pilot program. Over the past year, Elliott and Michelle have thoughtfully built relationships with their mentees, shared valuable insight into different career paths and responded to the unique professional needs and interests of each student. Elliott and Michelle also provided insight on how to make future iterations of the mentorship program even more successful. We were proud to recognize and celebrate these recipients for their exceptional work and dedication to our mission.


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Who we are

A nonprofit dedicated to decarbonizing buildings for healthy and resilient communities.


What we do

Climate change demands dramatic and immediate shifts in how we design and use buildings.
