With the long-term challenge of decarbonizing NYC’s electricity in mind, where do we stand today?
NYC DOB Chief Sustainability Officer Gina Bocra talks NYC’s new Energy Conservation Code.
Electrification will be a multi-decade process. Going Electric identifies nine next steps to jumpstart electrification in multifamily buildings.
NYC’s forward-thinking energy code is a critical building block for a low-carbon future.
Urban Green Council’s 2019 conference, Retrofitting to Scale, explored the transition implemented by Local Law 97.
Our 2019 conference looked at the challenges and opportunities that will come from retrofitting NYC’s buildings.
Our 2018 report looks at the technologies the New York construction market can use today.
The City Council approved Local Law 32, creating new parameters for the Department of Buildings.
We used the 2014 and 2015 New York City building benchmarking data to explore energy use in NYC buildings.
NYC’s 2013 benchmarking data reveal the systems, fuel types and materials used in thousands of NYC buildings.
Our 2016 report explores lessons from five global peer cities.
Without electricity, buildings are dependent on whatever protection is provided by their walls, windows and roof.
Our 90 by 50 report shows how NYC can reduce its carbon emissions 90 percent by 2050 using technologies that are known, and in most cases, currently available.
Convened at the request of Mayor Bloomberg in July 2008, the Task Force was charged with recommending green changes to the laws and regulations affecting buildings in New York. Over 50 of its recommendations have become law, including phasing out dirty fuel oils.