Projects that harvest and reuse internal heat can improve efficiency for heat pump systems, even in a cold climate like New York City.
Expert designers, installers, and owners will share innovative strategies for maximizing heat pump system efficiency.
Published November 18, 2020

John Rhyner, P. G. LEED AP
Owner, Rhyner Consulting
Rhyner is a seasoned environmental professional with 35 years of experience as a geologist, hydrogeologist and accomplished ground-source (geothermal) industry advocate and project manager/director for major geothermal installations. He has expertise in the assessment, design and development of geothermal systems and geo/hydrogeologic mapping for geothermal feasibility screening tools.
Jeff Urlaub P.E.
Principal, Salas Obrien
As President, Urlaub have led MEP to the forefront of technology, recognizing innovative, environmentally responsible designs as cost effective and long-term solutions. My background includes sixteen years of professional engineer experience in HVAC design, project management, design of engineered systems and mechanical services, with an emphasis in renewable energy, energy analysis and geothermal design.
Michael Gordon RSE
Pipes Trades Training Specialist, United Association
Daniel H. Nall PE, FAIA, LEED Fellow, BEMP, HBDP, CPHC
Consultant, Daniel Hall Consultant LLC
Dan Nall is a Vice President at Syska Hennessy Group, and Regional Director of High Performance Solutions. He is registered architect, a professional engineer, a Fellow of ASHRAE and AIA, a LEED Fellow, an ASHRAE certified Building Energy Modeling Professional, a certified High Performance Building Design Professional and a Certified Passive House Consultant. He has been a faculty member at the Schools of Architecture at the University of Pennsylvania, Princeton University, Cornell University and Columbia University, has been involved in energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings for almost 40 years and has authored numerous papers in professional and technical journals.
Rebecca Craft
Director, Sustainability – Electrification, Sidewalk Labs
Rebecca Craft is the Director, Sustainability – Electrification at Sidewalk Labs where she focuses on affordable electrification, including innovative approaches to electrification, efficiency, demand management, distributed resources, and rate design. Ms. Craft has over 25 years of experience in the energy sector, from financing of independent power generation to design of energy efficiency and demand management programs. She is the Founder of TurnCraft Advisors which provides consulting services on carbon reduction strategies, clean tech, energy efficiency, and demand management programs.