In the effort to reduce emissions, one innovative approach that is often overlooked is waste heat energy recovery.
Waste heat is a by-product of other HVAC systems and processes, such as domestic hot water generation, space heating and cooling, or refrigeration. Essentially, it’s unused energy that we paid for at some point but no longer have use for. But there are new technologies that can recover this energy, reduce energy costs and CO2 emissions, and simultaneously increase energy efficiency.
Learn about waste heat recovery and the state-of-the-art technologies that are available to help you optimize energy use in your building!
Published February 22, 2023

Shaun Hoyte
Section Manager, Clean Energy Networks, Con Edison
Based in New York City, Shaun Hoyte brings over 15 years of experience in the energy and utility sector. In his current role as Head of Clean Energy Networks at Con Edison, Shaun establishes the strategy for and leads the team responsible for the cultivation of widespread cross-sector industry partnerships to spur market transformation and advance an equitable clean energy economy. In recognition of his diverse market knowledge and exemplary performance, Hoyte was named as Con Edison’s honoree for the 2022 Harlem YMCA Achievers in Industry (bai) Award. Shaun holds a bachelor’s degree in Business from Manhattan College and earned his master’s degree in Sustainability from Columbia University, where he is an adjunct lecturer.
Brock Trimble
Director, Technical Sales, SHARC Energy System
Brock Trimble is the Director of Technical Sales with SHARC Energy Systems, a Canadian-based wastewater energy recovery equipment manufacturer. With over a decade of hands-on application experience and system knowledge, Brock has been involved in a range of projects of various sizes and applications, from initial design concept through equipment manufacture, installation, and ongoing operations.
Email: (Aaron Miller)
Stephen Condie
Chief Technology Officer & Head of Operations, Noventa Energy Partners
Stephen has over 20 years experience in the energy sector. He began his career at Enwave Energy in 2003 as Project Manager, and went on to hold progressively senior positions, culminating in Vice President of Engineering and Innovation. At Enwave Stephen oversaw operations of the 250MW Deep Lake Water Cooling and 500MW Steam Heating District Energy System in Toronto. In 2011 he left to start Magnolia Generation, which specialized in life safety and sustained occupancy power solutions. Stephen oversees Noventa’s engineering team and coordinates the efforts of the company’s three business units and external consultants to ensure alignment.
Patrick Lach
Vice President, Sales & Business Development, Maxi-Therm
Having started his steam training at the age of 14, Patrick is now well versed in steam distribution and generation systems. His passion for steam is apparent and he has a deep understanding of the ambitions and challenges faced in the HVAC industry. His experience has led him to collaborate with Consultant Engineering firms, Manufacturing and Repping firms, Energy Services such as ESCO, Mechanical contractors and the list goes on. He is enthusiastic about sharing his knowledge and helping educate others on a variety of steam applications.
Karl Neubert
Director and VP Marketing, Renewable Resource Recovery Corp.
Director and VP Marketing Renewable Resource Recovery Corp. and currently director of a regional utility and the Ontario Environment Industry Association. Seasoned clean tech and forest products executive. Past long time member of several for profit and not for profit boards.
Christian von Drachenfels
Head of Business Development, Energy from Wastewater, UHRIG
Christian is responsible for the European business development of energy from wastewater at the UHRIG Group. He has an overview of the topic in various countries, about its potential, state of development and its regulation. Prior to that he was the Head of Business Unit “Environment and Sustainability” at the project management agency of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). He has been working on the interface of R&D and policy consulting throughout his career, for private companies and as well the public sector.
Email: (Stephan von Bothmer)
Silvia Khurrum
Project Manager, Research and Development, Con Edison
Silvia has almost 20 years of combined experience in the utility and power generating sector. In her current role, she manages project teams developing cutting-edge technology and performing first of its kind demonstrations. She leads innovation in building decarbonization, and supports smart electrification. Silvia serves on the board of Building Energy Smart Technologies, Center and Clean Energy Business Incubator, and is Chair for the Demand Side Management Program for the Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation. She serves as a technical advisor for the Low Carbon Resources Initiative, and supports utility strategic initiatives such as development of Hydrogen Hubs and Thermal Energy Networks. She holds a MS in Mechanical Engineering from Manhattan College and an MBA from Fordham University.