Dive into the latest innovations in the electrical industry and how to increase efficiency and cost savings.

What is this training about?
GPRO Electrical digs into how innovations in the electrical industry can increase efficiency and cut costs. New technologies and practices are compared to conventional approaches, allowing participants to understand their direct role in improving building performance. GPRO Electrical is ideal for a range of professionals in the electrical industry including subcontractors, installers and technicians.
What will you learn?
- Economic opportunities for the electrical industry
- The role of electrical systems within the “whole-building” approach
- Improving efficiencies in lighting and HVAC
- New technologies for distributed generation
- Using benchmarking and other tools to maintain building performance
- The electrician’s role in the building commissioning process
- Retrofitting existing buildings with energy-efficient technologies
- Green bidding issues for electricians
What should you expect?
GPRO Electrical is a 7 to 8-hour training that is taught live, in-person or remotely, by a highly knowledgeable instructor with industry experience. You are encouraged to ask questions and participate during classroom discussions and activities.
After completing the training, you can earn a GPRO Electrical Certificate by passing a 25-question multiple choice exam.
GPRO Electrical qualifies for 6 AIA and 6 GBCI credits.